Let the Skating Begin- Rideau Canal Opened January 14, 2010


Ottawa’s Rideau Canal Skateway ( <http://www.canadascapital.gc.ca/skateway>
www.canadascapital.gc.ca/skateway)  officially opened  today and launched
the 40th season of organized ice skating on the world’s largest naturally
frozen skating rink.   


A 4.3 km section of the 7.8 km Rideau Canal Skateway opened at 8:00 am this
morning — from the National Arts Centre to Bank Street.  The National
Capital Commission ensures  that the ice is at least a foot thick before
it’s deemed safe to open to the public.   


Skating on the Canal is one of the favourite things to do in Ottawa for
visitors and residents alike – in fact, many residents skate to work or to
school once the Canal is open. All along the Canal are services to make the
skating experience more enjoyable – picnic tables, coffee, hot chocolate and
of course BeaverTail kiosks. Bring your own skates or rent some at three
locations along the Skateway.


The Canal will host young hockey players on January 30, 2010 as part of the
programming for Hockey Day in Canada when all six Canadian NHL teams will
play one another. The Canal is also the focal point for Ottawa’s annual
Winterlude festival ( <http://www.winterlude.gc.ca> www.winterlude.gc.ca)
taking place February 5-21, 2010.