Category: St.Vincent
Private Island Resort in St.Vincent and the grenadines, 2010 news
PRIVATE ISLAND RESORT IN ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES ANNOUNCES 2010 WINTER SPECIAL NEW YORK, NY, November 10, 2009 – The first quarter of 2010 will see such high profile special events in North America as the 10th anniversary of Martin Luther King Day’s national observance in the U.S. and the Winter Olympics in Vancouver,…
History, mysteries, celebrations in Grenada, 2009
History, mysteries, celebrations and the like: Grenada’s diverse heritage makes it the ideal all season vacation for Caribbean Aficionados —————————————————————– September 8, 2009. (St. George’s, Grenada, WI)—Canadians have a reputation for being all season adventurous travelers. They expect to absorb a lot of history and culture from their host country. Grenada’s long, storied history and…