Hands-On volunteer travel project deals around the world!

Hands-On Time Travel

Dig into history with volunteer projects all over the world

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, February 26, 2012 – Help to unravel some of the world’s mysteries by assisting on archaeological sites where Roman soldiers, Mongolian warriors, and Rapanui sculptors once resided. Volunteers step back in time in spectacular locations whilst being guided by professionals in need of assistance. This is a hands-on way to help preserve vital cultural resources around the globe and learn more about ancient ways of life.

Discovering Italy’s Ancient Etruscan and Roman Coast http://goo.gl/l7Y0L

The ancient maritime settlement of Poggio del Molino is located in the heart of the former territory of Populonia, overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. This excavation of the Etruscan coastal necropolis aims to fill key gaps in our knowledge of the industrial history and coastal economy, from the early Roman period to the Middle Ages. The project results will offer a profound understanding of the industrial aspects of Roman rule and exploitation. With treasure hunters, looters, and even development pressures threatening the integrity of the site, volunteer help is needed to secure the past before it is lost forever.

Origins of Angkor http://goo.gl/6exJR

The rural village of Ban Non Wat in Northeast Thailand is one of the most important sites for understanding indigenous societies ancestral to the Angkor Empire. Volunteers with Earthwatch will help to search for new prehistoric sites and identify the location of resources such as salt and potting clay. They will help reveal how Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Age peoples were affected by their environment, changing climates, the development of agriculture, technological advances, and by contact with those from other lands.

Digging for the Deep World of Devon’s Roman Ruins http://goo.gl/jZpgF

The discovery of this Romano-British settlement is of tremendous importance. The settlement is the largest discovered in the county to date and detected structures hint at native roundhouses, enclosures, and a Roman road. At present, there is nothing comparable to the site in Devon and research will significantly contribute to our understanding of life in the Romano-British world. Earthwatch volunteers will be the first to conduct fieldwork helping further understand the nature, date, and extent of the site.

Restoring Prehistoric Landscapes on Easter Island http://goo.gl/H488W

The massive stone sculptures that dot this remote Polynesian island have perplexed centuries of explorers. Earthwatch probes the past to discover what forces led to disastrous changes here in the 17th century, ending a millennium of peace and prosperity. Volunteers will work in a uniquely beautiful landscape, searching for prehistoric gardens, livestock enclosures, and agricultural fields. Under the gaze of the giant stone moai, they’ll conduct surface surveys, take photographs and GPS coordinates, measure stone features and dig test-pits in gardens to document the evolution of farming on the island.

Archaeology of the Mongolian Steppe http://goo.gl/A6ylc

Earthwatch is supporting archaeological and cultural investigations in the stunning Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, needed to ensure a holistic approach to managing the area. Volunteers will be surveying the landscape for significant archaeological and cultural resources such as burial cairns, steles and other commemorative monuments or markers, the remains of campsites and rudimentary structures, rock art, and other indications of the cultural history and vitality of the region. The goal of the project is to establish baseline data and is a remarkable opportunity to be involved in designing an ongoing archaeological investigation.

About GoVoluntouring: www.govoluntouring.com

Flight Centre’s responsible travel division, GoVoluntouring, is a leading online community for volunteers, overseas teachers, and learners abroad. Its unique search filters allow users to perform detailed and customizable searches from a huge database of projects and programs in over 110 countries around the world.