Stratford Annual Swan Parade held on April 4th, 20108 March 2010Stratford, ON One of Canada’s most unique events, Stratford’s Annual Swan Parade will take place on Sunday April 4 at 2:00 pm sharp at the Avon River. For many, the first sighting of a robin or two in their backyard is an indication that spring has arrived. For residents of Stratford and the surrounding area, the return of the swans to the Avon River is a truly festive celebration to announce the arrival of spring. This unusual event has become an annual tradition that attracts more and more visitors each year from as far away as US border states, Toronto, Windsor, London and Kitchener. The Stratford Police Pipes and Drums will lead the swans from their Winter Quarters behind the William Allman Arena to the Avon River along a route lined with hundreds of onlookers. Additional assistance will be provided by members of the District Scouting Movement and City of Stratford Community Services staff. Tim Hortons, event sponsor, will generously provide complimentary coffee and timbits. The lengthening daylight hours trigger a hormonal response in the swans and they need to get onto the river to establish their territories. You will see the mated pairs looking for their nest sites within hours of being released and the younger birds in the non-breeding herd will be engaged in a lot of flirtations. There will be 28 swans in this year’s parade. The total herd is larger, but some additional breeding pairs must be held back so they can be transported to other nearby waterways. If too many breeding pairs are released, there will be territorial fights between rival males that can turn deadly. The parade will also include Chinese Geese, a Bar Headed Goose and one black swan. Plan to arrive early. The event is organized by Stratford’s Volunteer Civic Beautification and Environmental Awareness Committee who are encouraging people to walk or cycle to the parade. Parking is also available along Lakeside Drive in Stratford. If you wish to feed the swans, keep in mind that they like greens and grains (not bread). Bags of dried corn can be purchased at Stratford Tourism Alliance throughout the season. For those interested in learning more about swans video clips depicting key moments in the life of the swans and more information are available at . Contact: Ted Blowes 519-393-5877Stratford Civic Beautification and Environmental Awareness CommitteeORCathy RehbergMarketing ManagerStratford Tourism Alliancewww.welcometostratford.com519-271-5140 or 800-561-SWAN
Swan Parade in Stratford on April 4th, 2010