Dear Friends
In just about a fortnight from now we will be into the 2nd Alliouagana Festival of the Word which takes place from Friday November 12 to Sunday November 14, 2010. We hope that as many persons as possible will find this Programme interesting and will try to find the time to attend and participate in all of the planned activities. Attached is the Programme for the Weekend and you will note that the Pre-Festival Symposium on Thursday November 11 is in honour of the late Alphonsus “Arrow” Cassell. Kindly help with getting this information to as many persons as possible.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have further questions.
Gracelyn Cassell
Steering Committee
Alliouagana Festival of the Word
c/o The University of the West Indies
Open Campus Montserrat
P.O.Box 256
Salem, Montserrat
Tel: 664 491 3924 / 2344 office
Fax: 664 491 8924
Alliouagana Festival of the Word, Montserrat. Nov 12-14, 2010