Category: Toronto

  • Road trip to Perth for 200th anniversary celebrations. Summer 2016

    Road trip to Perth for 200th anniversary celebrations. Summer 2016

    Adventures during our Perth-Ottawa Road Trip. Summer 2016   We left Toronto early in morning and after about an hour on 401 as usually stopped over at Big Apple. The place is well known for cute cafeteria, large giftshop, children`s outdoor pet zoo, and clean washrooms. After arriving to Perth, we first stopped over at…

  • Let’s Go to Perth celebrating 200 anniversary together! July 22-24 weekend

    Suggested itinerary: Day One: Friday, July 22 Arrive in Perth between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for the BBQ Block Party at the Perth Fairgrounds (50 Arthur Street) Directions from Toronto (3hrs 46 mins):,+ON/Perth+Fair,+50+Arthur+Street,+Perth,+ON+K7H+3E3/@44.2698707,-78.9357309,8z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x89d4cb90d7c63ba5:0x323555502ab4c477!2m2!1d-79.3831843!2d43.653226!1m5!1m1!1s0x4cd27a443bbdbc8b:0x63becdf201c85aee!2m2!1d-76.2464385!2d44.892452 Lunch at festival food stations Canadian Stone Carving Festival Dinner Drive 17 minutes to McCreary’s Beach Resort to…

  • Upcoming Local Food & Drink Events in Norfolk County

    Upcoming Local Food & Drink Events July 15-16: Port Dover Fish Fest, by the beach July 16: Culture Rodeo Company Picnic Pop Up Festival, downtown Simcoe July 23-24: Ice Cream Fest, Simcoe July 24: Feng Shui, Whistling Gardens July 29: Dinner in the Park, Lynn River Music & Arts Festival Aug 18: Simcoe Farmers Market…

  • Toyota Cambridge Assembly Plant Tour

    Toyota Cambridge Assembly Plant Tour

    Toyota Cambridge Assembly Plant Tour It all started with the usual long, one-hour drive out of Toronto, but soon we were there. As we headed in to the visitor centre we discussed our first impressions. Inside the centre we found many exhibits of the Toyota history and models of the past and present. After a…

  • Grey County in Fall 2015, Top 5 Family Fall Activities!

    Top 5 Family Fall Activities in Grey County Autumn is a great time to experience our area, with all the harvest bounty and vibrant colours plus fall events and activities. We have made it easy for you to pack up the kids for a day or weekend fall themed getaway. To extend your adventure visit…

  • Fashion History Museum in Cambridge, Ontario. July 2015 news

    Fashion History Museum in Cambridge, Ontario

  • Recharge time in Northhumberland!

    With Brian, our first destination was “Victoria Inn” at Gores Landing on Rice lake (about 120km drive on 401 East from Toronto)On the front lawn of Victoria Inn we met Mike McNaught, instructor and local fishing guide. First he taught us how to make the fly, then tying fly and casting. Mike with sophisticated tools…

  • Fashion History Museum now is open in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

    The FHM is located in the old post office of the former town of Hespeler at 74 Queen Street East, Cambridge, Ontario, and can be reached from the 401 via the Townline or Hespeler road exits. Starting July 1, the museum will be open regular hours Wednesday – Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. Tours can…


    The Chelsea Hotel, Toronto , a premier family hotel and urban resort in downtown Toronto, is ramping up for a summer season full of new programs and exciting partnerships, featuring the best the city has to offer for our guests. From an exciting new food truck to a designated beach on Centre Island, a stay…

  • June Specials for REO Rafting!

    Don’t Miss Out: REO’s Incredible June Conditions! June is the perfect time to enjoy REO’s amazing Nahatlatch River whitewater. Non-stop excitement start to finish! JUNE SPECIAL: Nahatlatch Day Trip (24+ rapids) – $109 C / $89 US pp – 10:00 AM Sun departures in June. Hot weather + High water = Hilarious fun! Hey Massage…