May 2011 ISSUE
Ground Broken for New National Museum
Work has commenced on Montserrat’s new National Museum located in the Heritage Park and the Green Development Block (near the cricket field) of the Little Bay Development. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is managing the construction of the EC$2.5m building, which was designed and is being built by local architect firm, Alford Dyett Associates. Funding is being provided by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Union (EU), through the Montserrat Tourist Board (MTB), which will manage the funds. Montserrat’s old Museum was located in an old sugar mill on Richmond Hill in the south of the island. This site has been abandoned because of volcanic activity, but the artefacts and displays were removed from the sugar mill and are currently in storage. The Montserrat National Trust will be responsible for setting up the exhibitions once the museum is completed. The new facility will have storage and exhibition areas; a souvenir shop; a meeting room; a refectory area; an activity area; and will be equipped to accommodate persons with disabilities and special needs. For further information on the facility contact the Montserrat National Trust by phone at (664) 491 3086, by email at mnatrust@candw.ms or go to www.montserratnationaltrust.com
Shamrock Mooring Project to Enhance Safe Mooring
Tourism Challenge Fund recipient, Raphael White, is currently executing a project entitled Shamrock Mooring’s Plus (SMP). This project is aimed at offering safe mooring and anchorage facilities to visiting sailboats and yachts, with anchorage options at Little Bay and Rendezvous Bay for a fee. Shamrock Moorings Plus will also be offering convenient amenities to visiting boaters such as ice delivery, garbage removal, laundry, and boat bottom cleaning services. He commented that these services will afford visitors more time to experience the island’s culture and local attractions such as volcano watching, white and black sand beaches, scuba diving, snorkeling, guided tours, hiking and local cuisine. To view the rates for the services being offered go to https://sites.google.com/site/shamrockmooringsplus/home or send an e-mail to shamrock.moorings.plus@gmail.com or call (664) 491 9177/ 496 4866.
Cudjoe Head’s Celebrations On Schedule for Next Month
Montserrat will once again be showcasing its African ancestry during Cudjoe Head celebrations, which will be held from July 29-30, 2011. The village of Cudjoe Head was named in the 18th Century after a slave by the name of Cudjoe who ran away from his master. He was caught and lynched at Cudjoe Head corner and his head was placed on a silk cotton tree to remind anyone considering running away what the punishment would be if they were caught. The festivities will include performances by steelband, iron band, masqueraders, and a string band, as well as an appearance by Miss Goosy. Other activities include an early morning road race and an exhibition of goods produced in the village. Additionally, the Friday night before the festival known as Cudjoe Head Eve, is a time known for revelry and fun with a street festival that includes live music and vendors. For further information contact Paul Lewis at paullewis240@gmail.com or call (664) 492 1611.
Tourist Board Says Farewell to its Marketing Manager
After serving the Montserrat Tourist Board (MTB) for nearly six (6) years, Marketing Manager Ishwar Persad will be saying farewell in early July. A native of Trinidad and Tobago, Ishwar moved to Montserrat in 2005 to work on the first Tourism Development Project (TDP1), which was aimed at rejuvenating a tourism sector that suffered immensely as a result of volcanic activity and insufficient marketing. After a short stint away, he returned in 2008 to work on a second TDP. During his tenure the new destination’s website www.visitmontserrat.com was rolled out, several new high quality brochures were produced, and a monthly e-newsletter and weekend flyer was created. He was also responsible for the advertising programme, managing the overseas offices, organising visits by high profile media and journalists, as well as executing an ongoing visitor exit surveys programme. Ishwar is one of the founders of the not-for-profit Montserrat Running Club, which has successfully hosted two Volcano Half Marathons (www.volcanorunner.com ). He has also run several international marathons, raising funds for local Montserrat charities such as Meals on Wheels, Golden Years Retirement Home and Special Olympics. The Board and staff of the MTB wish him all the best in his new adventures in Zanzibar, East Africa.
Upcoming Events |
Queen’s Birthday Celebration
June 18th, 2011
Queen’s Birthday (Public Holiday)
June 20th, 2011
Montserrat Calabash Festival
July 17th – 24th , 2011
Cudjoe Head Celebrations
July 29th – 30th, 2011
Emancipation Day (Public Holiday)
August 1st, 2011St. Peter’s Parish Bazaar
August 1st, 2011